MP250 folding power harrow is mainly used to till heavy duty soil and prepare the soil to create an optimal seedbed for planting crops without creating any hard pan through vertical axis rotation. It is specifically designed for the tractor ranges from 160 HP to 250 HP with category 3 hitch.
Robust construction with working width up to 5 & 6 m . It has packer roller, cage roller and spike roller & suitable for stony and demanding soils
Power Harrow
Areas of Application

Sugarcane Farming
Sugarcane is mostly grown in subtropical and tropical areas on various kinds of soils. Its stalks can reach heights of 3-7 meters. Sugarcane harvesting is a complex process consisting of a variety of different steps. Whether it is about cane cutting at the base of the stalks, cane chopping and depositing into a transporter, or blowing residues back onto the field – Shaktiman’s innovative equipment is designed to handle all these operations efficiently.

Maize Farming
Maize is one of the most cultivated staple foods worldwide. There are many different varieties of maize, including GMOs. This tall, annual stout grass is used to feed humans or livestock, but also for biofuel or industrial applications. Shaktiman has a wide range of effective solutions to help you handle this type of grain effectively.

Cotton Farming
The shrubby cotton plant is cultivated in warm areas in several countries around the globe. Crop cotton plants usually reach a height of 1-2 meters, whilst wild plants can grow even higher. Once pollinated, cotton flowers are replaced by white and fluffy cotton bolls. Cotton is ready to be picked only after the plant has been defoliated and the bolls have cracked open. Multiple harvesting cycles might be required, as not all cotton bolls always grow at the same time. Shaktiman has a comprehensive range of specific equipment to master all operations in the cotton fields from seedbed preparation to harvesting.

Rear adjustable levelling bar

Central PTO shaft series 10 with bolt torque limiter, side PTO shafts series 8 with automatic limiter

Hardened Blades (Length: 300 mm, Thickness:12 mm)

Central track eradicator

Adjustable side plates